Tuesday 22 May 2012

No smoking areas according to
Control of tobacco product regulations 2004 sub regulation 11(1)
·        Entertainment centre or theatre
·        Hospital or clinic
·        Public lift or toilet
·        Air- conditioned eating place or shop
·        Public vehicle or public transport terminal
·        Any building specified by the Minister by notification in the Gazette under regulation 22
·        Airport
·        Government premise
·        Area used for any assembly activity in a building other than private or residential building
·        Educational institution or higher educational institution
·        Nursery
·        School bus
·        School
·        Area in university
·        Service counter in the building specified in the Second Schedule
·        Shopping complex
·        Petrol station
·        Stadium, sport complex, fitness centre or gymnasium
·        Building or public place used for religious purposes
·        Library
·        Internet cafe
·        National service training centre’s (PLKN)
# second hand smoke is harmful to your health and affects your studying and work performance . voice out your right to enjoy clean air free from cigaret

Saturday 19 May 2012

logo klinik berhenti merokok(KBM)

Secondhand Smoke

What is second hand smoke????

Second hand smoke is combination of side-stream cigarette smoke from lighted tips and mainstream cigarette smoke exhaled by smokers.

Who are passive smokers???
Those who do not smoke but are exposed to cigarette smoke at least 15 minutes for two days in a week (WHO).
Passive smokers run the risk of:
·  30% increased chances of contracting lung cancer
·        25% increased chances of contracting heart diseases

Ø Wives of smokers have a 30% higher risk of contracting lung cancer
Ø More exposed to cancer
Ø Lower fertility
Ø Early menopause
Ø Death and miscarriage of baby during pregnancy
Ø Birth of underweight and premature baby

§  Susceptible to asthma
§  Risk of lung infection
§  Growth of lungs affected

v Experience effects such as cough, sore eyes, nausea and headaches
v If heart patients, susceptible to heart attacks whereas asthmatic patients will be prone to severe asthma attacks


 If you are a smoker,
     Take steps to stop smoking because it has negative effects on family, friends and loves ones.
     Ensure you do not smoke in no-smoking areas. If found guilty, you can be fined up to RM 10, 000 or imprisoned for up to two years.
     If you want to stop smoking, get help from the nearest quit smoking clinic. Call Infoline Berhenti Merokok at 03-88834400 or Quit Smoking Clinic in Pusat Sejahtera USM at 04-6562280/04-6533682

     Check out this link for further information on the effects of secondhand smoke: American Cancer Society

If you are a non-smoker,
     Advise smokers not to smoke around you!!!
            Voice out your right to be free from cigarette smoke!!!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Every Thursday, 3-5pm, Quit Smoking Clinic USM

For all those who want to attend, but have not yet because of familiarity issues, here is a video and some pictures you giving a brief example of what actually goes on:

Here is a participant of the Quit Smoking Clinic of USM taking a test that will measure the age of his lungs, deciding whether his body is in good shape or otherwise. This will allow the nurse in charge to determine whether the participant is serious in his/her attempt to quit or has not actually let go of the habit.

This are the supply of nicotine gum used in the Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) by the clinic. Although  the facilitators of the program highly recommend self initiative and willpower. 

Some of the informational brochures that cannot be seen on the outside but are easily obtained here in the clinic.

A very organized and soothing environment that will enable participants to relax and enjoy the sessions.

Material of informational value that will in some way help participants understand their journey in quitting the habit better.

Officiated by our former VC!

If you guys can't seem to find a right note to stop, then think of those around you. Think of your girlfriend who is dying slowly every single day, breathing in secondhand smoke because, just because you are too weak to quit something that you started in the first place. Be responsible. Be reliable. Be the man

Give it up for her. She'll seal you in her heart. :)

if you love yourself you can decide the good way

Benefits after quit smoking!!!!!!!

 How to quit smoking, Why quit?
Improve your health
-reduce your risk of cancer, lung disease, heart disease, stroke, emphysema and other smoking related disease. Help prevent pneumonia and bronchitis. Lose your smoker’s cough, stop smoking related headaches and enjoy better overall health.
Help others stay healthy
-reduce your family’s risk of lung cancer, heart disease, respiratory infection and other health problems caused by secondhand smoke. Then, increase your chance of having a healthy baby if you become pregnant.
Enjoy life more
-enjoy a smoke(free home). Have a lot more spending money. Increase your energy level. Stop worrying about cigarette breath and yellow teeth and fingers. Lastly can improve your sense of smell.

Condition after quit smoking
20 minutes after quitting: blood pressure drops, hands and feet warm up to normal temperature
8 to 24 hours after quitting: carbon monoxide levels in the blood drop to normal and heart attack risk decreases
2 weeks to 3 months after quitting: circulation improves and lungs work up to 30% better
1 year after quitting: excess risk of heart disease is half that of a smoker’s
10 years after quitting: risk of dying from lung cancer is half that of a smoker’s

Overcoming excuses
smoking helps me cope with stress” nicotine (a drug found in cigarette) is a stimulant. So, smoking may actually increase your response to stress. To reduce stress try:

  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Deep breathing
  • Start an exercise program
  • Do not use food as a smoking substitute
  • Symptoms only last for one to four weeks while the benefits of quitting last a lifetime
  • Withdrawal can be managed with nicotine substitutes and other methods (see the Managing Withdrawal section of this guide)
  • Wait an extra five minutes before each cigarette
  • Smoke only every other hour during the day
  • Switch to lower nicotine brand
  • Smoke a brand you don’t like
  • Smoke half of each cigarette
  • Limit where you can smoke
  • Limit the number of cigarette you smoke each day
  • Wait an extra hour before having your first cigarette
  • Eat regular,healthy meals. Don’t skip meals. Hunger may trigger your urge to smoke.
  • Choose low calorie foods when you need a snack. Healthy snacks include vegetables, fruits, non fat yogurt and non fat cottage cheese.
  • Drink six to eight glasses of water daily. Drinking a glass of water before meals can help fill you up.
  • Exercise for 20-60 minutes, three to five times a week. If you weren’t exercising before you quit smoking, walking is a great way to start.
  • Renew your resolve to quit smoking. Remind yourself of all the hard work it took to get to this point.
  • Think about what triggered your return to smoking. Find ways to deal with that trigger in the future.
  • Talk to a friend, discuss how and why you slipped. Your friend may be able to help you through future cravings.
  • Get professional help if you need it. Your health care provider may be a good source of support. Many national organizations also have programs and materials that will help you quit for good.

Quitting methods
Using nicotine substitutes
Nicotine substitutes release small amounts of nicotine into the bloodstream to reduce withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine substitutes should be used with the cold turkey method only. Never smoke and use a nicotine substitutes at the ame time. It could lead to a nicotine overdose.
Nicotine patches
Release a small amount of nicotine into your bloodstream through your skin. After that, can be bought over the counter without a doctor’s prescription. Should generally be used for three to five months (although eight weeks is long enough for some people)
Nicotine gum
Releases a small amount of nicotine into your blood stream through your mouth. Can be bought over the counter without a doctor prescription. An last, should generally be used for no more than six months.
Nicotine nasal spray
Quickly delivers nicotine into the bloodstream through your nose. Is the best for very addicted smokers who have not been able to quit using patches or gum and is only available by prescription.
Nicotine inhaler
Nicotine vapor is delivered through the mouth and may cause coughing and throat irritation. Then, is only available by prescription.
 Tapering off
When you quit by tapering off you must slowly reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. At some point, you will need to pick a date to quit completely. Then, your withdrawal symptoms won’t be as severe as quitting cold turkey, but they all last longer.
How to cut back
 If you are tapering off, don’t inhale deeper,don’t take more and don’t smoke cigarettes farther down than usual. To cut back on your cigarette use, try these tricks:
Other quitting aids
Bupropion is a prescription antidepressant that reduces the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. it does not contain nicotine. It can be used alone or with the patch. Talk to your doctor for more information.
Stop smoking groups and classes
 Stop smoking programs help smoker deal with problems that come up during quitting. They also provide support and encouragement.

Preparing to quit
-List your reasons
List your reasons for quitting. Put your list in a place where you’ll see it every day. Some good reasons to quit are discussed in the WHY QUIT? Section of this guide. Other reasons include is setting a good example for your children, proving to yourself that you can do it and being more competitive in sports and activities
-Set a quit date and sign a contract
Sign a contract and carry it with you. Your contract may include your quitting date, your reasons for quitting, the names of people you can turn to for support and good ways to deal with cigarette cravings.
-Avoid triggers
Figure out what triggers your urge to smoke. Then try to avoid those triggers. For example,if driving is one of your smoking triggers, walk or bike,take the bus,carpool with non smokers

The day you quit (and after)
Managing withdrawal,nicotine is a drug found in tobacco. when you quit smoking the decrease in nicotine leads to withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms usually last for one to four weeks and can usually be manged at home. For example the symptoms is depression and for solution is exercise every day, ask friends and family for support then join a support group. Symptoms dry mouth then you can sip cold drinks and chew sugarless gum.

Staying an ex- smoker
Throw away all of your cigarettes. Hide your lighters and ashtrays in an out of the way place. Drink lots of water and juice. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Stay active and go for a long walk or bike ride. Work in the garden then take a dance class. Keep your hands busy, do crossword puzzles. Knit or sew start a home improvement project.
Stock up on healthy snacks and sugarless gum to help manage the munchies or chew on a straw or toothpick to keep your mouth busy. Set mini goals for yourself, when you reach a goal, do something special for yourself. Eat your favorite meal, go to a movie, spend time with non smoking friends. Brush your teeth after every meal. When your teeth feel clean and fresh, you are likely to crave cigarettes. Spend time with non smokers. Talk with non smokers at social events and spend your lunch hour with non smoking co workers.

Maintaining your weight
Some people gain weight when they quit smoking. However, the gain is usually small and the benefits of quitting far outweigh the drawbacks of a small weight gain. To maintain your weight after you quit smoking, follow the suggestions bellow:
Weight maintenance tips

High risk situations
When your craving is intense
-if you have a sudden craving for a cigarette, do something that makes it hards (or impossible) to smoke such as talking a shower, going swimming,drinking a glass  of milk and going to the movies.
When you’re socializing
Parties and other social events can sometimes trigger the urge to smoke. For the first few weeks after you quit can avoid places where others will be smoking, don’t drink alcohol and spend time with non  smokers as much as possible.
When you’re stressed
Stress can sometimes lead people back to smoking. To manage stress as an ex smoker like a learn relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga. Listen to soothing music or take a warm bath. Think of ways to manage stressful situations. Then, talk about your feelings with a counselor or trusted friend.

Quitting for life
Remember your reasons
-think about what’s good about being a non smoker and remind yourself why you don’t want to smoke.
Make it easier on yourself
-spend time with non smoking friends, go to smoke free restaurants and avoid your smoking triggers.
Adopt a healthy lifestyle
-eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, manage stress, make time for rest and relaxation,also see your doctor for regular check-ups.
Reward yourself
-treat yourself to concert tickets, a gym membership or new clothes using the money you would have spent on cigarette. Give yourself a mini vacation and read a favorite book, enjoy a hobby also take a long relaxing bath.
Don’t make excuses
-one cigarette can hurt you, cigarette do not make a good reward and the best time to quit smoking is now.
Take it one day at a time
-just aim to make it through today, and don’t think about being smoke free for the rest of your life.

Wednesday 16 May 2012



  Fix a date to quit

Be confident that you can make it

    Write reminders

Say to yourself “I’m      not a smoker”

Look forward to that

Always be positive

        Get support

    Fight your urge
         to smoke

Use Nicotine Replacement Therapy

    Follow the tips
         of 12 D

     Delay smoking

 Drink lots of water

      Deep breath

     Do something

Distance yourself from other smokers

 Do chew something

Do bathe frequently

Do stretching         exercises

     Do meditation

Distract yourself from situations which encourages smoking

Monday 14 May 2012

About cigarette.......

Quitting smoking is worth the effort. Here are the health benefits you can expect :-

After …….

2 hours

The process of nicotine elimination from the blood stream will begin

6 hours

Blood pressure and pulse rate will return to normal

24 hours

Carbon monoxide is eliminated from your body, thus more oxygen will be absorbed by the body cells

2 days

Senses of taste and smell will improve

a few weeks

The cilia in the respiratory system will be fully effective

2 months

Blood circulation improves especially in your hands and feet

3 months

Improves fertility

5 years

The risk of having a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker

10 years

The risk of developing lung cancer is now about half that of a smoker’s. The risk of suffering a heart attack is the same as someone who has never smoked

15 to 20 years

The risk of lung cancer is reduced to that of a non smoker


Smoking is a bad habit that will lead to addiction. Cigarette smoke is related to 40 types of serious diseases like :

ü  Heart diseases
ü  Cancer
ü  High blood pressure
ü  Lung infection
ü  Stroke
ü  Teeth and gum disease
ü  Eye disease
ü  Stomach ulcer
ü  Osteoporosis
ü  Arteriosclerosis


Friday 11 May 2012

Other information related to smoking

Information for workers…..


Cigarette smoke

What is Passive smoking?

Passive smoking is the combination of side-stream smoke released from the lit end of cigarettes and main stream smoke exhaled by a smoker.

Who are Passive smokers?     

Passive smokers are non-smokers who are exposed to cigarette smoke for 15 minutes for 2 days in a week (WHO).

Passive smokers face a high risk of developing smoking related diseases :

    • 30% higher risk of getting lung cancer
    • 25% higher risk of getting heart disease

In general, Passive smokers also suffer other ailments such as :

v Cough

v Eye irritation

v Nausea

v Headache

Passive Smoke Is A Proven Threat To Your Health And Productivity

Keep away from cigarette smoke. Demand and advocate for a smoke free workplace.

Why you should quit? You can :
*      Stop poisonous chemicals getting into your body
*      Prevent the risk of getting diseases
*      Enhance fertility
*      Overcome impotency
*      Build your stamina
*      Improve sense of taste and smell
*      Be more active
*      Have healthier skin
*      Have fresh breath
*      Have brighter teeth
*      Be healthier
*      Protect others
*      Save money
*      Enjoy a clean and smoke-free home and workplace

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Getting Started!

This is what goes on every Thursday in the Quit Smoking Clinic of USM. 

1. Participants are required to fill up a questionnaire. Also given treatment cards.

2. Vitals measurement.
    a.) Height
    b.) Weight
    c.) Carbon Dioxide levels
    d.) Peak Flow Meter test
    e.) Waistline 
    f.) Blood pressure and pulse
    g.) All vitals recorded in the treatment card

3. Participants are given:
    a.) 'Dangers of smoking' flyers
    b.) 'How to quit  smoking' flyers
    c.) Quit smoking oath book
    d.) Card for next visit

4. Participant is brought to meet the doctor.

5. Participant's attendance is recorded.

6. Date of next appointment is fixed and noted down in the appointment card.

7. Participant's card is kept in files provided according to alphabetical order. 

8. The Quit Smoking Clinic is cleaned and tidied up. 

9. Lights and all electrical appliances are turned off and the room is locked. 

Plus, it's FREE!!!   PERCUMA!!! Nothing to lose. Plenty to gain. Come for the knowledge. Stay for the freedom.

Sesi dalam kelas berhenti merokok....Segalanya ada disini!!!