Mission & Vision

1. To increase the number of smokers who need help in quitting the habit to come by the ‘Quit Smoking Clinic’ at the Pusat Sejahtera in Universiti Sains Malaysia.

2. To create awareness on proper and functional ways to quit smoking and at the same time to assist these smokers in their process of quitting.

3. To expose the dangers of smoking in a more understandable way as to create fear as intended by previous campaigns.

4. To prevent those who have not started the habit from starting now.

5. To provide a safe and private environment where smokers will not be embarrassed to admit to their addiction and seek help in ending it.

6. To set up a friendly online sharing center where non-smokers can also share their experiences about this habit so that the effects of this habit will be made even clearer.

Smoking is internationally known as a disgusting habit that destroys internal organs with accumulation of tar and kills brain cells, directly affecting important brain functions such as memory and sensation. It also brings about many respiratory problems and allergies as well. Scientifically smoking burdens the health of one who does it, whereas philosophically smoking may cause other problems such as financial and relationship issues. A student needs optimum brain capacity to digest all the knowledge being shared during academic activities in campus. However a student who smokes may not perform as well as a student who does not smoke, mentally and physically.

Our blog aims to expose all the dangers of smoking in a more realistic way as to capture the attention of all students in Penang as well as people from other age groups. By using more graphics and taglines, we aim to completely cripple the ‘taboo’ of visiting clinics such as the Pusat Sejahtera to get help in quitting. We expect an increase in the number of attendees to the clinic’s quit smoking program and an overall decrease in the number of smokers in and outside the campus. Besides raising awareness on the importance of quitting smoking, our blog also intends to instill in smokers a better understanding of what it takes to quit so that they will not go back to their habit again once the program is over.

Basically, we hope to cultivate a value filled student population that is capable of making responsible and respectable decisions for a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Get Help. Say NO Now!

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